Helicobacter Pylori can lead and cause gastritis, inflammation on stomach and responsible for ninety percent of duodenal ulcer and eight percent of gastric ulcers. H pylori is non digestive condition includes cardio vascular disorder, raynaud diseases and migraines that impaired circulation in human feet and hands.
The bacteria can cause anxiety and depression because Helicobacter Pylori cause some short serotonin in the human brain. Now, people can understand why many people always feel uncomfortable in public place when bacteria is floating. It should be very hard to manage and concentrate this problems especially when people have no clue what is going on.
The spiral shaped bacteria reside in the human stomach line of animal and human. This is always not associated that cause health problems look like depression and anxiety. However, the bacteria work in sneaky way to change human feel without giving it too much.
Many people contract this Helicobacter Pylori by contamined and ingesting water and foods. This happen though fecal and if people prepare the foods without washing hands, then they can get risk of H pylori contraction. It is important to make sure and check this condition in any restaurant as well as cleanliness at home. Trust me to not walk around and carry intestinal bacteria that possible disrupt human life.
For eighty percent, people have Helicobacter Pylori irradiated successfully. Anti biotic is also very helpful ad useful. It is advise to consult with your doctor and get proper prescription. In many case, anti-biotic is not needed but for sake of this health issue is the best option for medical attention.
Maintain is great idea in diet and important to keep this bacteria stay away from stomach. Make sure to get plenty of vitamin C, A, E as excellent start with zinc to protect stomach lining.
People could try pro-biotics look like bifidobacteria to prevent and protect them as well. This source of Hpylori do not fully known and there is some recommendation to avoid this health problems.
Make sure people to maintain good and health hygiene such as: washing hand, drinking mineral water from safe source.
Be careful if you feel get risk from H pylori contracting and consult with your own doctor to get proper health examination. People could never too careful when its come to H pylori problems especially if this situation can cause to your work life and social environment.
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